Tuesday 30 September 2008

back and might be gone again.

Heylow ! {the new spelling of "hello" in 581 land}

I haven't been blogging for quite sometime huh?!
Well, I haven't forget bout bloggy la...
Just that...
I wanted to stay away from the computer for a while.

"Why?" you might ask~
Well, it's like this...



I was seriously cramming myself, brain and body, doing that stinkin project. Yea... sound like i hate doing it yea? Well, it was ok la... i like doing it.. it's just the aches that annoy me. heheh...if possible, i might upload some pics of the cartoon character I did. It wasn't very nice la.. but then, what the heck, it's just a project wah... Don want to care so much liao.. hehe XD

Ah~ tomorrow hari raya liao ... don't know why but i kinda like all these cultural things which i usually just ignore last time... It's just so cool. haha.... call me weird, but this is how i am X]

hmm... there should be a list of things i wanna do this holiday.. but i kinda forgot what's on the list. I feel so.... i don't know...BORED?! I don't really have anything good to do this few days, now that I've finished my project. Holiday home works?! nah... I've done physics [ mostly just copying] and ... that's all... Feel like ignore all the others ! haha.. maybe do keratan akhbar tonight? hmm...maybe...

recalling some fun stuff i did last week~ well, lee lee came to house.. wanting to do flash but it din work out, we ended up playing hangman on skype. It's a cool "msn" i guess. hahah. What can i say.. it's new. I like new stuff ... but i don't hate old stuffs tho X]
Owyea, my big sis [ don't misunderstand. She's not big-sized XP] brought me out and we enjoyed ourselves quite a lot.
First we went to eat at saffron. They allow free refills leh . haha...
i ate two plates of roasted chickens cause they ran out of the 'zereshk polov' thing which i loved the most.ow... this we went with mummy and JuDY. haha.
We went for massage a while later. 1 1/2 hours of pure relaxation. So nice~
After that, we went to do the ear candle thingy.
Believe me, inner parts of my ear, not sure bout yours tho, are not as clean as what we can see from the outside.
I'm just glad that all the poo in my ear is out of my ear.*shivers*
After that ??? experience, we went shopping for baby's mattress in triple star.
They sure sell a lot of children stuff there..
They can even special-make a mattress leh.. hahah.. and then we went home lo after that.
And guess what....
Mummy cooked the medicine-chicken-soup ! It was so yummy, i had to have 2 big bowls of the soup.... I just couldn't resist myself. XP call me greedy i u want, i don't mind ~

haha... that's the interesting stuff i did last week. i hope i can a fun this-week too.
i wanted to upload pics but i can't cause I'm in daddy's office now.. din bring usb so can't upload. sorry~ hehe

well, guess it's like this for now. Don't know when i'll be back again.

beauty of randomness: hahah. okay then... really want to know who u are tho.
tzeling: heylow... hahaha... Thanks X]


Tuesday 16 September 2008


Wahahah... i went to see see Melly's blog. And i saw pictures of our masterpiece there. I'm so happy to see em'. Gonna upload it the pics in my bloggy. Haha...got not bad the response ow~. hahah... can't help to be a little bit proud X]



hmm.. don't know what's wrong with blogger in dad's comp?! can't do what i want with it like what i do at home de......Weird~

That's all for today la~

Getting lazy... WUUhuu~ It's holidays. No better times to be lazy!

Ciao !
(? don't really know how to spell, anyways...)

Still lovin' rainbows !

Thursday 11 September 2008

emo much

4 days ago....

[Greetings fellow readers.

I'm blogging again...

JuDY: See! See! That "sakai". Once she start blogging she blogs everyday. ( in Chinese)

haha... 581: * ignore*

Well i wanted to blog again b'coz I found something interesting to blog about. Yeap, just this morning, after sitting for our Physics Practicals. Mummy came and fetch me and we went straight to a saloon in Bandar.

That was where I saw something I thought I would never see in this country, "Brunei Darussalam". Yes, I feel the need to stress on the word. I have always thought of Brunei as a very rich & relaxing country, where everyone doesn't need to stress themselves everyday just to earn a living. Well, I was kinda proven wrong by what I saw this morning.

When we were still on the car, looking for a parking in one of the alleys, I saw an old uncle, a Haji to be exact, stretching his arm and body into a "garbage bin" , yes, you've heard me right, a big smelly dirty garbage bin behind one of the restaurants.

I didn't really know what he was doing over there. Maybe looking for something that he accidentally dropped into the bin? Or was he looking for scraps to be reused? Well, no matter what the real purpose was...]

haha... I've actually wrote those 4 days ago and guess what? I forgot all about it XD Well, guess I'll just continue now...

...it's just give the heart squeech-ing feeling seeing that scene. It's like, going thru garbage? Why so lang bei. Plus, he's so old again. Tsk tsk...

Then i also saw a cat. She's either a very fat cat or she's pregnant. Anyways... this cat, before going to the salon, was sitting alone on the stairs. After coming down from the saloon, I saw this very lucky cat again. And this time with a middle-age auntie, who fed to it a packet of ''chicken rice''. Yes... this was just so.. hmm... man i lost the word that i wanted to use... well, guess u guys will just have to guess how i felt then.


suddenly felt like saying this word.

Can we really get the world to be like that? Well, i personally hope so. But, there just has to be imperfection in this world. People criticizing, people being jealous, people disliking other people... Can we ever get a world that is perfect?

and ow yea... might be cancelling the masquerade party lo. Since only so few want to go.

Hmm... don't know la...
maybe wait after the holidays? Are they still deciding? Don't know leh...
Guess, will have to see how everything goes first lo...
But really want it to happen lo...
It'd be such a cool party... got disco leh.
People don't like?
hmmm... weird eh...
not prom wo...
this is party leh...
got techno music and dancing the whole night thru leh?
People sure they don wanna go?
Got chance to get prizes lagi o... Don't want?
Just the music part is so tempting liao leh.
Don't think will have other chances to get this kinda party in Brunei liao leh.
U guys sure don't wanna go? (well, if those who don wanna go reads my blog)

Nvm la, if cancel liao i also can relax for a bit lo..
haha.. If i get a chance to organize some sort of party, I'll sure be willing to.

eh~.. can advertise here leh..haha
If people wanna get people to organize party can look for me XD Well, guess it will be more fun if everything doesn't revolves around money... For example, if any big company wants to organize annual party or something, i can help organize leh, just need them to pay all expenses. Tat'd be soo cool!

Hmm... is there a rainbow which we can all walk over?

There is a rainbow for you and me?! Or shud we just continue living in a grey world?!

[thinkin' a lot these few days]


Wednesday 10 September 2008


Er.. hello... welcome back to my blog?

so weird eh.... it has been quite a long time since I've blogged bout anything. It's like i have to think of what I've did for the past few days ( which i would usually just forget) just to find something interesting to write in Bloggy.

Wuu... by the way, from now on, I'm addressing my blog as Bloggy, cool eh? haha... sounds like something alive...

What u say no cool?
No cool no cool la... like i need you to agree to whatever i want to say...
This is my blog my world okay?
Don't need you to tell me what's cool and what's not...

hahaha...what the heck am i doing? talking to myself again. Well, get use to it X]

hmm... let's see... what did i do besides sitting for stupid stinky tests.... Hmmm... ow... i know...

We've continued about the party-in-November discussion.. well, it was supposed to be a masquerade but it seems like a lot from our class are not that fond of the whole masquerade thingy. They don't like wearing masks? But why? It's something special ma, agree? Hmm... some said they feel shy wearing masks. Well... wear mask where got people know u o.. they can't even see...

My original idea was that wearing masks can create more chances for people to talk to people other than the friends whom they usually hang out with. You know? Like, just forget bout who u are and who others are...Just socialize wa.... This is actually a good chance for people who always try to hide their true personality to be someone they really are.

Feeling guilty? Ha! You are one them right? Well, I kinda hate this kind of people. Sometimes, i would just wish that everyone can just take of the masks that their wearing , or in other words, fake personality, and just be who they are. There's no point being with friends who don like the original u, right? Why hide then?

Hai~... ow.. don't get scared Bloggy. I'm not angry.. just disappointed seeing people acting every time. I know it might be hard for people to just be who they are cause they are afraid they others might not like it... But like i said, no point faking yourself to impress people who doesn't like you, rigth?

ah~.. see? There, I've just created a topic. X]

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see, it's unhappy to hide the real u!

Bah.. change topic? Don't care if u agree or not.. i want to change XP
ow~....yea... Our class. tsk tsk...
So many problems... it's like family... there's always unhappiness. Is it because of just one person? Well, it's too mean to put it like that.
I personally say that everyone involved in these unhappy situations has got their wrong parts.
-Wrong, because no one wants to lose in these arguments, so no one stopped defending themselves by offending others.
-Wrong, because someone carries their bad mood everywhere, like bombs, they'll explode if you are not careful.
-Wrong, because some doesn't know where the limit is. They'd con't bursting their emotions without considering that they would hurt people's feeling or without reconsidering who they were bursting their emo's at.
-Wrong, because some always think that they are correct and others are always wrong.
-Wrong, because some forgets bout good-manners.
-Wrong, because they just stopped caring and thinking for the other party.
This shouldn't be how anyone should be. Have they all forgotten about the most basic thing about being a human? The first and most important thing we have been thought during the early school years. Aren't we suppose to care about others too? Are these easy to understand but too hard to be carried out?
Hope people get what I'm trying to say and really think through their behavior and at least think once before u say anything.
Don't think that I'm saying this but not doing the same with myself. I am. I am constantly re-thinking what i have done in a day; re-thinking if I've said anything wrong or did anything wrong. I might have said or did things that shouldn't be said or done , i would truly apologize if i said or done anything wrong.
Well, as a conclusion for what i have fed to Bloggy,
_Hope everyone can be themselves
_Hope everyone can think through what they have to say, before they regret at the end.

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