Wednesday 10 September 2008


Er.. hello... welcome back to my blog?

so weird eh.... it has been quite a long time since I've blogged bout anything. It's like i have to think of what I've did for the past few days ( which i would usually just forget) just to find something interesting to write in Bloggy.

Wuu... by the way, from now on, I'm addressing my blog as Bloggy, cool eh? haha... sounds like something alive...

What u say no cool?
No cool no cool la... like i need you to agree to whatever i want to say...
This is my blog my world okay?
Don't need you to tell me what's cool and what's not...

hahaha...what the heck am i doing? talking to myself again. Well, get use to it X]

hmm... let's see... what did i do besides sitting for stupid stinky tests.... Hmmm... ow... i know...

We've continued about the party-in-November discussion.. well, it was supposed to be a masquerade but it seems like a lot from our class are not that fond of the whole masquerade thingy. They don't like wearing masks? But why? It's something special ma, agree? Hmm... some said they feel shy wearing masks. Well... wear mask where got people know u o.. they can't even see...

My original idea was that wearing masks can create more chances for people to talk to people other than the friends whom they usually hang out with. You know? Like, just forget bout who u are and who others are...Just socialize wa.... This is actually a good chance for people who always try to hide their true personality to be someone they really are.

Feeling guilty? Ha! You are one them right? Well, I kinda hate this kind of people. Sometimes, i would just wish that everyone can just take of the masks that their wearing , or in other words, fake personality, and just be who they are. There's no point being with friends who don like the original u, right? Why hide then?

Hai~... ow.. don't get scared Bloggy. I'm not angry.. just disappointed seeing people acting every time. I know it might be hard for people to just be who they are cause they are afraid they others might not like it... But like i said, no point faking yourself to impress people who doesn't like you, rigth?

ah~.. see? There, I've just created a topic. X]

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see, it's unhappy to hide the real u!

Bah.. change topic? Don't care if u agree or not.. i want to change XP
ow~....yea... Our class. tsk tsk...
So many problems... it's like family... there's always unhappiness. Is it because of just one person? Well, it's too mean to put it like that.
I personally say that everyone involved in these unhappy situations has got their wrong parts.
-Wrong, because no one wants to lose in these arguments, so no one stopped defending themselves by offending others.
-Wrong, because someone carries their bad mood everywhere, like bombs, they'll explode if you are not careful.
-Wrong, because some doesn't know where the limit is. They'd con't bursting their emotions without considering that they would hurt people's feeling or without reconsidering who they were bursting their emo's at.
-Wrong, because some always think that they are correct and others are always wrong.
-Wrong, because some forgets bout good-manners.
-Wrong, because they just stopped caring and thinking for the other party.
This shouldn't be how anyone should be. Have they all forgotten about the most basic thing about being a human? The first and most important thing we have been thought during the early school years. Aren't we suppose to care about others too? Are these easy to understand but too hard to be carried out?
Hope people get what I'm trying to say and really think through their behavior and at least think once before u say anything.
Don't think that I'm saying this but not doing the same with myself. I am. I am constantly re-thinking what i have done in a day; re-thinking if I've said anything wrong or did anything wrong. I might have said or did things that shouldn't be said or done , i would truly apologize if i said or done anything wrong.
Well, as a conclusion for what i have fed to Bloggy,
_Hope everyone can be themselves
_Hope everyone can think through what they have to say, before they regret at the end.

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