Thursday 15 April 2010

On ond Off Showers

I'm incredibably glad that all my holiday homeworks are finally completed and cleared away from my desk! I officially have 5 more days left to live my holidays stress-free! However, there's still an extended task to be researched on for dang-it Human Biology. It IS to be covered within 5 weeks but, I guess the reason for why the lecturer gave this task before the holidays is for it to be prepared during the holidays (in order, to not clash with other school works maybe?) Anyhow, I believe I won't be the only one who hasn't touched that task. But, if it makes my lecturer happier, I promise to flip thru the net to research on it whenever facebook dies ;)

Very true. I cannot believe the amount of paper I've used to complete the homeworks just for 2 subjects.

Earlier on today, I suffered depression because my fav. white jumper shirt got dyed in the wash and I cannot blame anyone but myself :( I didn't really bothered to check whether other clothes' colours ran, and just idiotically threw the whole load into the machine. The unfortune just had to happen, so it resulted in my shirt being dyed. I tried rescuing it from appearring unsightly by bleaching it :D It kinda worked but there are still wee bits of yellow stain on it, quite unvisible however, phew! Well, from now on, imma just stick with my method of doing the laundry: whites with whites ONLY!

Another thing that made today quite the remarkable one is "My sister and I succeeded in making ourselves extremely bloated by whatever the genius she cooked for dinner. Seriously. FULL. Delicious tho =P"

And oh yea, I've also discovered that I need to have a daily dose of "happiness" to start up my day the way it should be, up and happy-like! Cookies are what my doses will be for these certain period of days. x)

Who loves milk and cookies?

Santa Clause and I !
