Tuesday 25 November 2008

Once upon a time, there was a girl who had nothing bad good to do. She didn't know which web to visit or which spider food to have for lunch. She didn't know what to do.
(Note: The spider was just a joke inspired by the word web. I don't eat spiders for lunch!)

So she decided that she should blog despite the fact that she doesn't feel like blogging. This was because a lazy-bug landed on her arm and she squashed it spraying blood that contains lazy-germs all over her. Well, very unwillingly, she started off with this very lame introduction. Then suddenly... ...


A ridiculously huge cannon-look-alike-gun was fired! Fired where, I don't really know...

It's a my special way to link the whole post to this picture!


Just showing-off this Sketch On White sketch book I just bought. Wahaha... Show-off~


Of course this isn't exactly how my sketch book looks like. It just looks better this way.
It's actually black with silver wordings.

And check out this poster too that was posted at JPMC!


My mum couldn't stop smiling when she read it. haha
Well, nothing much happened lately... Just spend much of my time drawing on my new Sketch Book nia!
Will be going to HK for holiday too on Monday. Still feeling very excited even though it wasn't my first time liao. =]
Hope there are many pretty pretty clothes there!
Really looking forward to shoppings and Ocean Park rides!

Guess that's all for this post.
See y'all!
or as Tigger says it:
T-T-F-N, ta-ta-for-now~