"...I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again...."
Yes yes! I'm gonna be gone for a few days starting tomorrow. I know it has only been a while since I've been back from down under but I must say, I'm pretty excited for the trip we're going on this time. It really has been a while since my family and I actually had a family trip that actually involves the family as a whole (we're lacking just one member this time tho)! I hope we'll get to have tonnes of fun and that it would be one that is memorable.
at the same time....

Not just child abuse, basically we should stop all domestic violences!
Stop hurting the ones that love you.
Stop hurting the ones you love.
Don't take your family's love for granted.
Don't think that all of what you have now is meant to be.
If not,
one day, when your family finally leaves you,
you'll find that eventhough you're living among hundreds of people,
you're still feeling extremely lonely,
... none of these hundreds of people will love you as much as your "family" would.
Think before you do.
Don't let there be things that you would regret doing one day.