Friday, 30 April 2010
Get well soon.
Friday, 23 April 2010
You were wrong~
I had a late night last night.
ErJie treated me to KellyClarkson's All I Ever Wanted Concert @ Challenge Stadium!
It was awesome. I have nothing to compare it to, so yea, you can say it was awesome.
I got to know two other artists as well who were on tour with Kelly. One was an Australian musician, Cassie Davis and the other one was Eric Hutchinson. They were both terrific! Now my head's stuck with this song from Cassie Davis, No more. Give it a listen, the melody is so catchy, you might end up liking it too :)
Her other hits are Like It Loud and Do It Again. They're all quite up-beat. Keeps people awake :D
No More - Cassie Davis
Monday, 19 April 2010
Oh No.
Tomorrow will be a very awful day for a lot of us schooling kids because we have to GO BACK TO SCHOOL. Sad isn't it? :''( I'd added an additional tear drop to show how upset I am for this.
The holidays had been quite enjoyable for me although I didn't manage to do much with my mates here. Rephrase: I totally didn't get to do anything with my mates here! Boohoo. Why is that so? Well, most of them had gone back to their hometowns, leaving only a miserable few here back in Perth. In addition, the weather enjoyed during this term break was horrible. If it wasn't too cold, it kept pouring unexpected showers. Tsk tsk tsk. I wanted to go back too. But things just didn't quite fall into place because of a few this and that happening. Sigh~
I'm so not looking forward to tomorrow :(
On the bright side, I might actually get to spend my days with much more purpose. Faster too, hopefully! If I'm lucky enough 7.30 might even show up ;)
Haha. Me and my crazy mood-swings.
Woo! Woo! I got praised by Ting Ting for the delicious dinner i prepared x) So happy to be praised by this fussy critic! It looked awesome too, fyi. Haha, however, no pictures of the dinner were taken. Oh well~ At least it was liked :') (There was also the tuna noodle from 2 days back, yesterday's marina mix noodle and the mushroom and bacon pasta of today's lunch. All made me have delicious meals for 3 consecutive days! Total awesome-ness. I is HAPPY!)
To sum up today's post...
Well, you've read all the things I had to blab about. There shouldn't be a need for me to conclude anymore ;)
I'll just end this post with a photo of my uber cute niece!
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Feed me depressant
Where's the fast forward button in life?
I wanna skip to the end of this year to another long holiday at HOME! :)
I'd be anywhere if that is where home is.
Mummy loves poh yik!
Ting ting hates bao yi :(
Bao yi loves everyone! Cept ting ting. Wahahahahahaha~
I am THAT bored right now; 7.14PM, Saturday, 17th April, 2010.
Friday, 16 April 2010
I will have the mind set.
Everything will have to fall into place.
Then can I succeed.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
On ond Off Showers

Very true. I cannot believe the amount of paper I've used to complete the homeworks just for 2 subjects.
Earlier on today, I suffered depression because my fav. white jumper shirt got dyed in the wash and I cannot blame anyone but myself :( I didn't really bothered to check whether other clothes' colours ran, and just idiotically threw the whole load into the machine. The unfortune just had to happen, so it resulted in my shirt being dyed. I tried rescuing it from appearring unsightly by bleaching it :D It kinda worked but there are still wee bits of yellow stain on it, quite unvisible however, phew! Well, from now on, imma just stick with my method of doing the laundry: whites with whites ONLY!
Another thing that made today quite the remarkable one is "My sister and I succeeded in making ourselves extremely bloated by whatever the genius she cooked for dinner. Seriously. FULL. Delicious tho =P"
And oh yea, I've also discovered that I need to have a daily dose of "happiness" to start up my day the way it should be, up and happy-like! Cookies are what my doses will be for these certain period of days. x)
Who loves milk and cookies?
Santa Clause and I !
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
-Woke up at 8.30 am.
-Cut nails.
-Had breakfast.( Koko Krunch! x)
-Watched "How to Train A Dragon"
-Bought house stuff.
-Had tea. ( Chocolate Milk and Muffins without tea.)
-Went home.
-Kept stuff.
-Facebooked a bit.
-Chatted a little bit.
-Prepared dinner.
-Ate dinner.
Ting Ting wants me to blog about her.
I agreed so, here it goes.
Then, i had no choice but to eat her up fondue style x)
Love u Ting :D
Monday, 12 April 2010
I didn't write this. Im complicated?
You'd never be the one.
We can't get thru the slightest disagreement now, neither will we in the future when things might get even uglier.
I should not stop for you anyhow."
I sense 'uh oh' O.O
But I don't think you would.
"Bet you would not get any of these, cause ,to you, this is just another one of my silly old crap.
Thinking things wil be alright after forgetting bout it?
Apparently, I get to understand more of the kind of person you are through every one of my silly old craps.
Mind I tell you, analysis shows that things will never work right.
I'm tired of needing to make everything soo obvious.
I don't wanna have to tell you what I needed.
It's not how I live my life.
See ya around, mate!"
Sunday, 11 April 2010
I hate it cause it made me cry.
I miss my family. :(
When can everyone come together again?
B is perfect that way but not sure whether it will be the other way.
B is all C ever wanted,however,it is still out of reach.
A is right there but conditions there kept falling.
C has to make a turn, either left or right.
C couldn't decide.
C turns off the engine.
C will have to wait for better conditions to surface at one of the sides until it can make the next move.
C puts hope on B.
C dreams of a day that B would make progress.
But C can only wish for now.
Hopefully the unseen side of B will be toleratable, so C won't feel wasted.
wish hard.
Friday, 9 April 2010
This week
Aunt Angela came to Perth to deal with her citizenship thing.
We spent most of half of her time here going places.
Most obviously we SHOPPED!
Couldn't resist the temptations so I bought myself stuffs too, one after promising myself not to get another one. x) But all's well, cause I believe they were quite good buys!!
At first, Judy and I baked a cake, so we asked them to come over to have a lil taste.
We ended up having plans for the next few days of our aunt's presence.
The next day, we went to a park really near where we live to have a picnic!
Totally enjoyed the whole preparation time xD
Then we went to the Perth City, Garden City, random places and Fremantle!
Fremantle was today!
And we got to see this really pretty lil' girl who i assume look like Anne Hathaway :D
A video of her.
Ain't she the prettiest lil' girl you've seen?!
I'm off now!
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Easter Yesterday

A watermelon.

Blue with a ribbon.


A nut!

BEE~ Mummy x)

Carrot? Perssimon? Tomato? U decide.

LadyBug! SQUASH.


A reply to melli-poo:
Oh Mel! I miss you so~ :') I definitely miss our lil' talk sessions as much as well. ;)
If only we can have tat again!!
OMG, just reminiscing tears me up. But they're all good tears. Good tears :"))
(and... 7.30... x) hope u get me. )
Friday, 2 April 2010
I am bored.
If only 7.30 appears in front of me and starts giving a damn about me :O
What can I do to get some fun here?
Where's my sketchbook?
What do you do to become beautiful?
I like that watch.
Where's romance de amour on the guitar?
I miss hugging my mummy without having to have a reason why.
Where are the interesting stories from dad?
I miss watching tele with the whole family.
Where's that screaching baby?
Where's Happi and all her questions?
Where's DaJie and her "yumcha" mood?
Where's that soft silky skin?
Where are all those laugh-out-loud moments?
Where am I?
I'm not home.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
7.30 failed to show up. :
I will plan my holiday tomorrow :)